

Although working remotely is an effective way to continue business operations, maintaining a positive work culture can be a challenge. In this Daily Herald article, Amy Osmond Cook, founder of Osmond Marketing, shares three tips that offer a great starting point for keeping your staff connected: focus on the good points, create a new definition of community, and practice clear and open communication. Here are the highlights: 

Focus on the good points.

A remote work environment is a new model for many employees, but studies show that this trend has been on the upswing for years. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, almost 5 million Americans worked from home, and experts predict that remote work will continue its upward trend. A recent study found that “remote workers are happiest when they spend more than 76 percent of their time working remotely,” and 97 percent of remote employees would recommend this model to others. 

Create a new definition of community.

Our sense of community has shifted as a result of these uncertain times. In order to thrive, we must adapt to this new definition. For instance, Incorporate Massage, a Utah-based company that employs 1,200 massage therapists across the country, expanded their service offerings to include virtual sessions during the stay-at-home orders.

“We have built a unique platform that let’s [sic] employees enjoy virtual massage, yoga, workout, or meditation in personalized, interactive one-one-one [sic] or small group classes,” explained Chief Revenue Officer Paul Shin. “This allows participants to stay fit, ask questions, and enjoy topics that are personalized to their needs.” Shin adds that to help businesses impacted by COVID-19, Incorporate Massage is offering free access to their premium content, wellness assessment, and live sessions for a limited time.

Practice clear and open communication. 

When distance separates your team, open communication becomes an essential part of operations. Be sure to schedule time with team members to discuss professional goals and workload and to work through existing roadblocks. This change creates a new learning curve for your team, so be sure to talk about their experience. 

Your team may be working from different locations, but the common goal is the same. By focusing on the positive aspects of remote work, being accessible with support, and keeping the lines of communication open, work culture will benefit within the remote work environment and beyond. 


To read the full Daily Herald article, click here. For help adjusting to the new norm of remote work, contact us today!