What You Didn’t Realize You Needed to Know About Consumer Reviews It may look small, but one half of a golden star can make all the difference in how a consumer reacts to your company. Consumer reviews are, in fact, “the king,” as this fantastic infographic claims....
“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends,” said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. When it comes to the Internet, your social media presence will be your...
Osmond Marketing’s Director of Business Development, Jason Osmond, is a man with many talents. From developing content strategy with clients to writing video scripts, Jason’s versatility is invaluable to the team at Osmond Marketing. Jason was one of the very first...
A few facts from the Pew Research Center about smartphones and their rising role in the healthcare industry. 72% of Internet users say they looked online for general health information within the past year. 1/2 of online health information research is on behalf of...
Sam Wright is a storyteller—and in more ways than one. Full of deadpan humor and a proud “connoisseur of terrible cinema,” Sam is a content manager with Osmond Marketing. When asked about the importance of his job, Sam said that “everyone has a story to tell but we’re...
Remember the old days of media, when communication channels were clear? You’d wake up every morning and read the newspaper for top newsworthy stories written by editors who tried their best to be unbiased. Then you went to work and used the phone for business...