One of UtahValley360’s 40 under 40, for Amy Osmond Cook, content is queen. She is an editor and writer in any and every forum she can find— blogs, articles, full-length books. She has taught writing and communication classes at Brigham Young University, Arizona...
When good working opportunities that fit her schedule weren’t coming, Amy Osmond Cook made her own, and brought a new take on innovative marketing to life. Cook, who was pregnant with her third child during the Great Recession, was looking for a way to help support...
The science behind optimal keyword density has been bantered around quite a bit over the past two decades, some experts sharing their ideal percentages and advice for keyword placement while other SEO experts claim keyword density is an overrated concept. There is a...
David Ogilvy, widely considered the father of modern advertising, said, “On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.” Today, search engines only crawl and display the first seventy characters of your title and a small amount of...
Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm boost is officially here. The new mobile update will give an extra boost to mobile-friendly websites in searches conducted on mobile devices. These changes were announced back in March with the assurance that, if you are already...
It’s no secret that images are an important part of your social media content. They attract attention and stand out among the information that floods our social news feeds. In fact, social media posts with visuals deliver 180 percent greater engagement. The tricky...