Congratulations Community Action Services
Published by Forbes
Written by Sara Haslem Davis
February 1, 2018
Millennials, who comprise the largest living generation in the U.S., care about causes. They are more likely than members of other generations to do business with companies associated with a cause and they like to work for companies that give back. They also account for more than one in three workers in this country and will make up nearly 50% of the workforce in a few years.
“Millennials are more receptive to cause marketing than previous generations and are more likely to buy items associated with a cause,” wrote Jeff Fromm, who speaks and consults on millennials. “They also expect companies to support the social issues and causes they care about and will reward them if they do.”
Non-millennials like to do business with companies that do good, too. So it makes sense to incorporate charity and volunteer work into a marketing strategy. But how do you do that without making it feel like marketing?