
In January and February, homes historically cost an average of 8.45% less than they do in June, July, and August. But low prices aren’t the only reason it’s a good idea to consider investing in real estate in the winter. There is also historically less buyer competition, time is on your side, sellers are motivated, and you may be able to take advantage of capital outlays. Here’s why you might consider investing in winter:


Historically Less Buyer Competition

In winter, there is historically less buyer competition. According to HousingWire, the warmer months of May, June, July, and August “account[ed] for 40% of an average year’s total home-selling volume” from 1999 to 2015. By contrast, the cooler months of November, December, January, and February “account[ed] for 27% of an average year’s total home-selling volume.” When you put in an offer on a property in winter, you’re potentially competing with far fewer people. That means you may be less likely to be outbid on an offer or rushed into a decision.


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